Crushing It! Using Performance Data to Make Better Decisions

Crushing It! Using Performance Data to Make Better Decisions

How many of us have created a workplan with goals, objectives, action items, and were proud of the work we outlined in there and thought, “I’ll get to defining the performance measures later,” but “later” never came?  

Or maybe we’ve found ourselves on the flip side. We took the time to count and measure everything we could think of and realized later that it was a lot of administrative burden to track all this data that didn’t help us improve our program? 

I ask because I’ve put myself in both of those situations. So, let’s talk about how to create a great performance management system!  

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What the heck is this FPHR thing all about?

What the heck is this FPHR thing all about?

This framework introduces the key areas of work and foundational skills, or capabilities, public health departments need to prevent, promote, and protect the public’s health. Organizing our work under this framework can help us to assure that no matter where someone lives, they have the same public health protections and the same opportunity to achieve their best health.

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