Building Strong Foundations: Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) in Action 

By: Spoorthy Uddurhally

Have you ever been asked to prevent a complex health issue and weren’t sure where to start? This can be common in public health. The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) offers a structured, community-centered approach to addressing substance misuse, and other health issues, effectively. Developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the SPF guides communities through five essential steps: Assessment, Capacity Building, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. Each step ensures that prevention strategies are rooted in local data, shaped by community input, and built for long-term impact. 

The process begins with an Assessment to understand local substance misuse challenges, including identifying risk and protective factors. Next is Capacity Building, where communities strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders like healthcare providers, schools, and law enforcement to create a united effort. This collaboration sets the stage for Planning, where focused, evidence-based strategies are developed. These strategies are brought to life in the Implementation phase, followed by Evaluation to measure progress and adapt as needed. 

A key aspect of the SPF is ensuring strategy sustainability, with long-term resources, partnerships, and community support to maintain their impact. Equally important is cultural competence, which involves tailoring strategies to reflect the unique values, practices, and needs of the community, ensuring inclusivity and effectiveness.    

Image source: SAMHSA.

The SPF has wide-ranging applications, from addressing opioid misuse to promoting mental health and preventing underage drinking. To explore resources and training opportunities, visit SAMHSA’s SPF hub or the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network. These resources provide practical tools, case studies, and training modules to help communities create lasting change. Need technical support applying the framework? Reach out to our Regional Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Coordinator, Laura Bennett ( With SPF, even small steps can lead to meaningful, sustainable outcomes. 

Upcoming SPF training opportunity: SPF Application for Prevention Success Training (SASPT) in Otsego, MN in March. This is an in-person training. The cost of registration is $300. Scholarships are available. 


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